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To investigate the parent-infant relationship through face-to-face interaction video recordings, parent questionnaires, and standard developmental tests

Inviting: infants that are typically developing  and infants with special needs  


​Is a research project aimed at children admitted to NICU and their families in order to support the psychomotor development of the child, the well-being of the parents and the dyadic mother-child relationship


Intervention study to improve speech motor abilities in preschool children with CP



Inviting: children 3- 6 years of age, with a diagnosis of CP and speech motor speech disorder


A novel intervention study for infants  with both motor and vision difficulties


Inviting: Families with infants with motor and vision difficulties

(Also recruiting in Australia)

Natural History of Cerebral Palsy

 Systematic evaluation of infants and toddlers at risk for CP during the first two years of life.

Inviting: infants at risk or with diagnosis of CP


A novel home program for infants with perinatal stroke  provided by parents in the home


Inviting: infants who had a perinatal stroke and have asymmetric hands & arms function

FILM Italia

By recordig short videos of your baby on the Baby Moves Smartphone App, our research team can observe your baby’s movements and provide a screening for neurological development. â€‹

Parent of child with CP questionnaire

This is a validation of the Italian translation of two standard questionnaires of functional abilities. 


Inviting: parents of children with CP 1-18 years old

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