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Our Team
Andrea Guzzetta, MD, PhD
Director | Neuropsychiatrist
As a Child Neuropsychiatrist with a joint appointment from the University of Pisa Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prof. Guzzetta leads the SMILE Lab, Infant Neurology Section and the Clinical Trials CP Center at IRCCS Stella Maris research Institute. He maintains clinical, research, and administration responsibilities. He has >150 publications in child neurology focusing on the effects of early brain damage on the development of different functions (motor, visual) and the underlying neuroplastic mechanisms with an overall aim of improving early intervention paradigms.
Ada Bancale,TNPEE
Psychomotor Therapist
My field of interest is Developmental Care and early intervention, assessment and early treatment of cerebral visual impairment. I take part in several projects with the aim to promote development in babies at the neurological risk.
Olena Chorna, MM, CCRP
Research Support Manager | Music Therapist
Giulia Corsi,TNPEE
Psychomotor Therapist | Vision Projects Assistant
Ginevra Costagli, TNPEE
Psychomotor Therapist | Research Assistant
Sara Mazzotti, PhD
The focus of my research is the early psychological development of infants and children with typical development and developmental disabilities. My field of interest and work concerns also the effects of child disability on parental mental health and wellness of the family and its dynamics.
Elena Moretti
Speech Therapist
The focus of my research is the diagnosis and early intervention of disorders of infant language. I observe also the moment of the meal of infants in order to better understand their food management skills, trying to promote child development and relationship.
Martina Orlando, TNPEE
Psychomotor Therapist
​My main research interests concern the monitoring of child at neurological risk and early intervention. I especially deal with the evaluation/treatment of motor and psychomotor problems paying specific attention to hand function.
Julie Paradis, OT, PhD
Occupational Therapist | Post-doctoral fellowship
I am a post-doctoral fellowship interested at neurological changes in the brain of children with cerebral palsy aged 1 year to 4 years old after a specific intensive motor-skill learning intervention. This intervention, named HABIT-ILE (Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Intervention-Including Lower Extremities), has already proven its efficacy with older children in the improvement of motor outcomes and induced changes at the neurological level.
Alice Martinelli
Psychologist | PhD Student
Sono psicologa e psicoterapeuta in formazione. I miei ambiti principali di ricerca comprendono la diagnosi e l'intervento precoce del bambino a rischio neuroevolutivo, la valutazione e definizione di protocolli di valutazione precoce nel bambino a rischio neuroevolutivo e la presa in carica della famiglia di bambini con diagnosi di Paralisi Cerebrale Infantile.
Aurora Scabia
Psychologist | Research Assistant
I collaborate in a research project that aims to identify possible early markers of autism, in a population of typically developing children and with low risk factors. I also deal with supporting some research projects carried out in our laboratory. Currently I also carry out some clinical psychological consultations under the supervision of the senior psychologist.
Arianna Valeria Bai
I am a physiatrist interested at infants at risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly cerebral palsy. The main project I am involved in is BornToGetThere, a project that aims to identify the best assessment and strategies to improve outcomes in children at risk or with cerebral palsy.
GessicaTealdi, TNPEE
Psychomotor Therapist | Clinical Case Manager
In addition to my clinical responsibilities as a Case Manager, my research areas of interest include study of the spontaneous motor activity and the development of intentional infant behaviors (both in the typical population and in children with congenital lesion).
Sara Vantaggioli, TNPEE
Psychomotor Therapist
The focus of my research is early intervention. I carry out monitoring of the development in the neonatology ward of Pisa Hospital and I deal with the follow-up of preterm and/or at developmental risk born in the above mentioned neonatology ward.
Collaboration is at the forefront of our team approach
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