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Families Filming Infants Movement (FILM) Study


The Families FILM study aims to observe and assess different infant movement patterns that give insight into the developing central nervous system. Families should record some short videos of their child directly from home, simply by using an app on their smartphone. Trained clinicians can review short videos of infants’ movements as a screening tool to predict risk of atypical neurological development.


Families participating in the project will be asked to fill in some questionnaires when the child gets 12 months old. Finally, we will carry out an assessment of cognitive skills at the age of 24 months by administering a standardized scale.
























Participating families will use the Baby Moves app to record short videos of their baby. These videos will then be reviewed by the expert research team to complete a developmental screening based on observed movement patterns.

Baby Moves is an easy to use app for parents to video their child’s movements using a smartphone. The Baby Moves app allows parents to safely send videos of their babies moving to trained assessors who use the videos to complete the General Movement Assessment. Assessment is thereby not limited by geographical distance or clinicians’ skill levels at a local service. 

Whilst the Baby Moves app will not replace infants’ current routine medical follow-ups; it does offer the ability to collect additional developmental screening. 

Baby's Feet


Your baby can participate in this study if they are less than 10 weeks after their due date and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Infant born less than 37 weeks gestational age

  • Infant born full-term with a birthweight greater than 2500g

  • Infant born in a multiple gestation pregnancy (twin, triplet)

  • Infant with a history of bronchopulmonary dysplasia 

  • Infant who required hypothermic cooling treatment

  • Infants with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), congenital heart defects, or infants requiring surgery to correct for congenital malformations

  • Infants diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) prenatally, via newborn screening or prior to 10 weeks adjusted age

There is no minimum age to participate in the Families FILM study. 

Downloading the Baby Moves App

  1. Search “Baby Moves” in the app store and download the free Baby Moves app.

  2. Open the Baby Moves app and select “Tap to get started” or navigate to settings.

  3. Enter information including your child’s ID given to you from the research team.           Save the settings and enable notifications or select allow notifications if prompted.          *If you have twins, push the plus sign after entering in the first child’s study ID in order to enter in a          second study ID for your second baby. 


When to Record your baby

Record a 3 minute video of your baby at 6 different time points based on your baby’s adjusted age:10 Weeks, 12 Weeks, 14 Weeks, 16 Weeks, 18 Weeks, 20 Weeks (adjusted age).

Please accept or enable notifications from the Baby Moves app to receive a reminder to record a video at each timepoint. 

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Are you interested in the project would you like to participate?

Contact us for further information


-  Dr.ssa Rocchitelli L.:

-  Dr.ssa Costagli G. :


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